
Verification Process

In order to ensure the credibility, accountability, and transparency of the TSM program, there are a number of processes in place to validate that published TSM performance results present an accurate picture of each facility’s management systems and performance.

Facilities annually self-assess their performance against all indicators under the TSM protocols using the rating system.

External verification of self-assessments is undertaken by trained verifiers every three years. There an established process for external verification to ensure that Members’ reporting on Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) performance indicators is consistent, accurate and transparent. The TSM Verification Guide and Terms of Reference for Verifiers have been developed to ensure that:

  • Members follow a clear and consistent process for hiring Verifiers.
  • Verifiers meet minimum standards and conform to defined procedures to perform verification that can be relied upon by Members and their Communities of Interest (CoI)

The Verification Summary Report Template provides a consistent reporting structure and is used by verifiers to provide a brief commentary about the types of evidence consulted to inform the results and any key findings. The company CEO, or equivalent, provides a letter of assurance confirming the external verification has been conducted in accordance with the Terms of Reference.

Each year, the Community of Interest Advisory Panel selects a sample of companies to present and discuss their TSM results.

TSM Verifier Training

Individuals interested in becoming TSM verifiers should contact