Community of Interest Advisory Panel

About the Community of Interest (CoI) Advisory Panel

The Community of Interest (CoI) Advisory Panel is an independent, multi-interest group comprised of individuals from representatives of First Nations and communities where the industry is active, environmental NGOs, social performance experts, and the finance sector. Industry representatives participate in panel discussions but are not involved in CoI advice.

The CoI Panel provides advice to the MCA and its member companies to improve sustainability performance through implementation of the Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) program.
Panel members volunteer their time to oversee TSM and provide their unique perspectives to advise on approaches to mitigate impact, manage risk and identify opportunities to support community and the environmental outcomes. Membership of the panel does not imply an endorsement of the MCA or the minerals industry.

The objectives of the CoI Panel include:

  1. Advise on the on-going development and implementation of TSM
  2. Identify current and emerging priority sustainability issues – with a focus on TSM – to support the sector and its communities of interest meet new challenges
  3. Consider information on the industry’s performance and on issues raised by its communities of interest
  4. Provide a place for open and informed national-level dialogue, allowing members to test industry policies and approaches and seek COI views
  5. Contribute to the understanding, support and awareness of the goals and achievements of TSM among communities of interest.

For more information about the CoI Panel, refer to the Terms of Reference.

The Australian minerals industry appreciates panel members volunteering their valuable time to represent their communities of interest in the TSM program.